YUMI (Your USB Multiboot Installer) is a Multiboot USB Boot Creator that can be used to make a Multisystem flash drive. This tool can quickly create a Multiboot bootable USB flash drive containing several different ISO files. Use it to boot from USB your favorite Live Linux portable Operating Systems, Linux and Windows Installers, antivirus utilities, disc cloning, backup, penetration testing, diagnostic tools, and much more. This Universal tool makes it easy for anyone to create their own customized multi purpose Bootable USB.
IBOOT 2.6 Iso.rar
The YUMI App has been considered by many to be the Best Bootable USB Creator. It replaces our old Multiboot ISOS tool and is also the successor to the singular Universal USB Installer (UUI). Tools that were amongst the first ever made for the purpose of creating a bootable flash drive. For the most part, files are generally stored within the Multiboot folder. This makes for a nicely organized Portable Multiboot Drive that can still be used for traditional storage purposes.
YUMI (Your Universal Multiboot Installer) enables each user to create their own custom Multiboot UFD containing only the distributions they want. Presented in the order by which they are installed. A new distribution can also be added to the bootable device each time the tool is run.
Other Notes: If MultibootISOs was previously used, you must reformat the drive, and start over. The Legacy variant uses Syslinux directly, and chain loads to grub only if necessary, so it is not compatible with the older Multiboot ISO tool.
The Legacy variant does not natively include files to make it UEFI Boot from USB. However, it is still possible to boot and run your Windows Installers from UEFI. To switch between added Windows versions, navigate to the multiboot/win-directory (replacing win-directory with the Windows version you want to boot) on your USB. Once there, move the bootmgr, bootmgr.efi, and entire boot folder to the root of your USB drive. Then reboot, booting your computer from the UEFI compatible USB. If all went well, it should boot straight into your chosen Windows Installer.
Most added distributions are stored within the multiboot folder. This is also the root directory set for syslinux. In some cases, the Volume Label of your USB drive must be MULTIBOOT in order for OpenSUSE, CentOS and several other distributions to boot. YUMI will attempt to automatically create this Volume Label, however it can sometimes fail. So please ensure that the Volume Label of your USB remains MULTIBOOT if you expect your distributions to boot.
Legacy only:From the multiboot folder on your flash drive, delete the hidden file ldlinux.sys and then rename the libcom32.c32 file to _libcom32.c32. Then use YUMI to install any menu item. The installer will notice that the file is missing and will then attempt to reinstall syslinux and repair the master boot record. Once finished, rename _libcom32.c32 back to libcom32.c32.
1- Update bios latest version 2003 from asus website.2- download iboot GE iso cd from Tonymacx86 website or google. Plus multibeast version 3.0.1 only and save it to usb stick.3- download SL 10.6.6i by Hazard iso . 9 rar files from web leohazard com. burn to DVD.get Ready to install sl 10.6.6i1- set bios ( AHCI and in advance select J-Micron controler set to AHCI MODE )2- set boot cd in first.3- insert iboot GE cd in the rom.4- save and exit.5- when iboot GE done, remove and insert SL 10.6.6i Hazard and wait a little press f5. when it loaded press enter.6- format hdd, chose customize. Bootloader= chameleon rc5, chameleon option= forceHPET and graphics enabler, Graphics=nvidia update, Sound= vt1828s p55, Network Lan= realtek R1000, Chipset= AHCIportinjector, jMicronATA, SATA Pata= AHCISATAfix, Patches= additional fonts, X11.7- when installed restart.8- replace iboot GE in cd drive for booting again and chose your hdd name to boot up9- register your sl 10.6.610-now plug in your usb stick and install multibeast 3.0.1, chose ez beast and some customize utility install finished close and remove your iboot cd and restart.11- goto bios set default ( press f5 ) and set (AHCI, goto advance set Jmicron controler to AHCI MODE ) escape press f10 and enter. you are done to boot SL 10.6.6 2ff7e9595c