HELP WASTED PEJIALCAV ANTED Colored woman to do plain cookingtav at night 910 L iw in2 3IV ANTED Experienced woman blanker AV l STEND LAUNDRY 1731 1 ave m2 2WANTED A colored girl or light 1 mis workand help with two children 30a Tth st fanV ANTED Girl to do ircncral housework Call ati 7th st ne inS iWANTED One manicure ami one hair drcs crCall 2 p m Monday 1123 Pa ave mv mlAAANTED Ladif to liarn liair dressing mamemiug fallal nnd scalp triatment esuirpe 10 ivsitioas guarantce d Ad Iress H0 l7 this olnccmlWANTED General lieiMcwniker mull fairiystav nights Apply Sunday 111 2th st neialLADIES flc a month piarantced to open hrarclioffices at jour ltouu e liaulle fuIi aartits nukedemonstration of oil cicatrical appliances tnewinvention for removing wrinkles and all tlsl1 UinuliH drvclopiisr or ledtntng smv pirt ofthe bod cures obesitv iw ivnuultti will Isdav for sample and svlc JsfisW v Ik V IV PllvTON C Matlem I I1utxv UJ TV fit Hi sumtmlv vhst Vdesirinc 4ajkn Ihww vsV esvesoikvc vsvewsSMt 4HU tNr eVa Mt sesss jl V-AlJasv -V AVTsilV JArf suoeee wkjsteOB frtwk ft a m v V A- l --mw VN1 WV i kJu w mIks wi iw1 bd WJitou sSJ ass VrtlM Vttlllis tdlt 1A at hju 4Jtspg Wvofcsvd dn wio 1ft Ail JaVAA VJon Kfegots viuev wsVVlK ou sal kkw Vwt to eobtain ysfeoaVMu4 sssswusau wik ftiblcasvesl CsfWplei tviiwlrt CvHVMJi lesrlight rtcs on vsao an be rceVesi a vmulof faaiit uiMixJute ViAsu U wo AhvAAV ANTtDWwuie tt nvMial tvvuss feisii ivjvijimi N7 sd t w elAANTLD et vubj Ltd in dettU otavCll i to a oVljck todiv ad Mnda S Mht - rlM A NTtD Ciildj cur 515 al ccvVraid hotel rhacbern aul SOU New ork arelW VNTLD Reluble lady aa housekeeper and2rauer of roomies house Apply 2v0 lith atem elV VNTED Ladies can ratilr earn money by introducici our kifh cla booka amonir theirfriend Call or write tor particulars KIHJM 110Jenifer Building Tth and l stj n cl JA VNTED tecord prl about mteen years oldto a4i t with housework 10 Grant place nw clVNTED A sood reliaWe woman for cenerj1houecwork reference required 1310 Q St nw elWANTED A white cirl for general hcuscwork-co cooking German preferred star at night14Hithitn v elWANTED A woman or peseral houerorL totfitay nights 9 Mrtlc sL ne elV ANTED By bricht jouns colored man placefo drne or run errand Call 822 13th s nw elW ANTED Girl far gtrra houssworV stay atnisht Appl A M IvEEN Uli F nw e31 3A ANTED Manzle hamLi of eipexicnce permanentatmployin nt IVLACE LAINDK1 2121 K Stnw c31 3V VNTID Extra pirls rcut fins can rise amaiteais for traveling burlesque company leave townSunday Call faturday and banday 10 to 3parlor Hotel Laurence next door to NationalTheatre Mil HAW SOSX ANTED Girl for rcntral housework refetepeMApply 512 D fit nc after 5 oclock rn31 3ANTED Ladies everywhere wishing ta earn-weekly Income by writing letters at their homewasiei pad weekli Addreu UVIINIjI BhlljKKNDT Publisher 117 East 123th St New- orfcCity m31 3- WANTED Colored girl for general housework201 10th ste e30 3WANTED V young1 girl to assist in generalliousewor Applr b21 Bth st nw 26 3mIIKLf WASTED 31 ALE AD rKSIALEM ANTED Men and wo nen with refererce andcapable of earning 23 j0 to 5O00 a year maylearn something to their decided advantage byt calln r at Room 10 Washington Loan and TrustHalloing immediately c31 3WANT1 D 20 a week easily make taking ordesfor our liO KcbcldTTiccessity Call 231 Tth str nem31 0SPECIAL INDUCEMENTS offered Pitman Barrratloithand students for next three months alotomb typewriting ILLAMETTC IlhrORTINCfiCHOOL 813 O St nw c20 7WASTE D AG CXTSt AGENTh Manufacture your own goods our bookof 370 trade anj fonculas will make vout rich 10c postpaid F BOOK COMPANY 313Cth st Kew ork mlWANTEI Solicitors to look un real snarotime adJ yo to your income send 10 cents rorr lamcuiars u u ilclIUiLlN Viatcrtown N lmlt20 A WEFK straight talary and expenses to mena tutli rig to introduce our poultry mxturc incountry years contract weekly pay Add cssa with stamp MONARCH MFG CO Dor IP3prln tleld III mlWE ILL pay any honest man fS5 I tr month andt nil traveling ejipense to take orders for thegreatest portrait concern in the United Matesi jour calary will be guaranteed and position per-manent Address DEPT II Worlds Art Cliii ego- mlWANTED AgenU everywhere new householde verybody buys low price sampleby mail 12 cents C N HiEEMVN ll Arcadet Cleveland Ohio IuiI AGENTS HEAP a harvest introducing the mostpopular work In Ihe maiket city or countrv ApI ply KOOM 210 Jenifer Building 7th andD stsw 1FKOdTABLE WORK oSercd agents In every townto eecure subscriptions to The Ladles UomtJournal and The Saturday Evening Postwant agents -who will work thoroughly andwith business arsteffl to cover each section withour Illustrated little booklets and other advertising matter and to look sharply after renewals t oil old sul scrlbers The pay la fat rateana at tbe end of the season will be giventhe Le st workera as extra prizes for good worlcUo well Kise of our agents have succeeded Istold In a little booklet we would like to send- JCU ef soms of our best agents withtie st ry o how they made It pay TUB CURTISPUBMSIHSa COMPAXV Philadelphia Paec2S 7ts I i aTIOSS WASTED rElIALCWANTED By a respectable eolorfnl girl placeas chambermaid or light housework CI2 Iv strr mlWANTED lly a rrglslrreJ pharrraci t ositlont s dru r clerk Address DHUCCIST m I st nwml mlWANTED lly a widow with child four years olda place as not afraid oi workHOY Sli this olfice In2 JWANTED By first class laundress wshnii tohome good 1022 Vermont aveur nilW ANTFD By nice colored girl highlyMended flats or otliccs to clean daily AddieaiBOX 184 tuts officeWANTED lty cooklCtlt ave nwCllaca at once Call 13s NewclWAVtTD By reliable woman po ition as cashierfbond fuinlshcd or ad managing hou ekrper incrst clas boarding MRS LUlBUlU1i Charlotte Hall St Marys Co Md elANTED Bv ftXKl laundress washing to do athome or out by day J30 franklin bt nw clElItlAriONS WANTED 3IALEW ILL give 10 per cent of every months aalary tof hryone sectinng inc i oitum of anv kind byre ponsible young man Address HOST tVJ7 thisd6ce mlWANTED By reat reliable young nun potio lus ralesman or collector furnish itfe rneuelreas BO this oKce elfcOIIUl INDUSTRIOUS MVN will pay to responsible party J25 for sccuriiar ltini a position assistchnan in hotel or ether work in or out oflty Address BOX S33 this omce e30 3WATED IKUJIS AJVD IIOAIIOWAN i D Unfurnistie d room and Uiard for-mother and daughter must be reasonable Addrrai BOX CO this office m2 3WVVTED 1IODSESWANTED Would like to buy six or cUM rooniLnek house improrements 300 cash balanceUSprr month straight Addrcu B0Y 353 thisoffice el 3WAVTEI1 hTOim AND IJWKLLIAGWANTED To buy a small house for store anddwelling Addred BOX Ml this office ml 3IiniP WANTED HALENTID llnsht intillucnt artne ounInte man for store woil SAMll L 1 KM III VNDKII A CO W 7lh st ml1 yvrfl jioj to attend wj ia fountain mulhair irurentT Apph Monday mornincr lODEHNDIUI CtiVP VNY H 7th tt liw nlViXNTED v wlorcd lvrtir at Ml l UHLOTilltL 1st anl II t nw pjll bundaj mornin mlWTl U KTfientI card writer pply toMaiiisrr Ul CIIT A CO 313 31 7th ft mlV NTED Iliad waiter no Mindai worlpr wecV TWnvjilici min and wife iii rejiort toda cr early Mondj 1011 N aeWANTED lnineer firemen machrai t andeletrieiani pend for 4l paec pampiiltt containinc queticiw aVcd hy cKaininms lnard of cniricrs to ohtaili cncincera lucnv IE0A HlMt Publisher room Cj IS S tth tM 1 oul Mo mlO ulCtEvirj Irnalitr enod experlenw unnnirj 1M11JN T10N VI DimetlVl VClNt V MllwanVrr W Iv VND v UMfKs rcur i iMilr anluhmv WMitw th ciriHratinVAirw fttvt lit 15 KVi 7 Chiv mlSki V WlNMV Kxiwilime iiiictfvoniaA w HUM il Ct Matl n J N V CitjWMHf 1f vM tvw iwIAW Hwm nMHef t t 1 ri vpetllljiilrit ytal iutt wh to ttitlit ttian- i tvv t Invlaihl OhioV v Vudi itttrK pAtt Trl nwrif vr 1 V v vx kdwl ml pUnUt rua lKi lU l ft I II IIlkVK 1HVvih VwwA Wll uddirM In WOB iyUHe 4w vvprOnY wse exportVL Af Vk BOV 7 lliU cta r mlV aludcMt to wait Ul Mailyy m21VNItl VVloTrxl man iriBtvrtli to traveland itdtnt In ljtrict ot tuimiia lor maiiuiaturec aarv iO uumthl to Ihshi please encloseaddnMd rnreloiw for iply SI PIltlNTENDKNTTlXi star Hldg Chicago mlVV VVTri Collector capable man to collect deliver and look after udirrtiMln commercialiiue ro canainc rapid p omotiour salar- xcarlv raut furnfli ero d references andcadi Vddress MTMUNTENDENT P llloic llli Philadelphia Pa fe2JVVVNTEDOce hundred able bodied colored railroad men tor craainc would like ro near iromWilliam Niacin Dale Lewis Itobcrt Ware andJohn ITag Apply at oner 302 10th st n clv VNTE1 V cod crocery driver must hair goodreference 16 D t nw el 31 V ANTED Colored gentleman of good ajdrcs tointroduce -books amorar hu race App KOOM21C Jenifer lluildiiK 7lh aid D sis nw el 2jWANTED A ouug man who has two or threeI year experience at setting job type Call at413 St or HOVAL GLUE CUllPAW 210j X st sv ml 3WVNTKD Musicians for lancimr club harp andviolin tern- not to exceed j Addross G Aj 1So3 0 st nw ml 2j VV VNTED Men to learn barber trade new system only xkihtuciui ripuie d over 1 freecuorrera daily expert instructors short hoursdiplomas awarded steady position jiositncly guarantee vrhen through rile for free catalogueMOLEJll UVniiLU SCHOOL SSO Canal St NewVotk Citv ml 0V ANT D Tlirec good drummers for grocerytrade good line to handle Address 110 SS2this olhce e31 2WANTED jlman by established house ala yf30 permanent early promotion Call 1 to JHCDtLSON ial C st nw m31 3WANTED Two collectors SI to 33years of age with wheel and not afraid of workAddress BOX 337 thi office cOO 3WANTED Boys with bicycles lor messenger service can esrn from S50 to J30 ner month 420i guaranteed school boys or boys otherwise engaged may nnc employment Irom 3 to 830 p my 6 to 1030 p m daily at 33 crnta per ntfihtMUTUAL DISTOICT JIESSEXCEH CO 1101 F atnw ja3 tfWANTliD SlISCKLLANBOLSWANTED tioloncello cheap Address BOY uthis office m2 3WANTFD Furniture of all kind al w pianaestore and ollce fixtures see Us or telephone2730 2 I UIU J 3 HOPWO0D bth and K nw1X23WANTED Big money paid for 1 ouehold goodaIsomerLdndifte of everv description AddressD NOTES 4C3 Florida jie niv rn2 3WANTED Caah paid for ail kinds of householdfurniture office and store fixtures also sold oncommis don II ROSENBERG Auctioneer G33Louisiana ave nw e21 tfWANTEDEring your old gold and silverwatches and diamonds to the MINT S13 G stiw and get full value In ready money GEOMARTIN Manager Jal7 3mWANTED Highest cash prices paid for old goldsilrcr watches diamonds etc jawn ticketbougbt LOUIS ABRAHAM 133 ilth St nwjall tfWANTED Hlghest cash prices paid for ladlessnd gents cast off clolhlrg drop postal Illcall B TAItSIIES 1303 Tth at nw dec2S lmDCBIM2SS CIIASCEJOB -VU OR RINT Dental efllco and fixturefine location opulation 12 Mcinitv thuklyfclMPsON M I ManajsVaWVNTED To I nr fixtures for grocery and meat store Address C II PER1 2263d st Ii mi 3FOR SVLE Best little two chair barber shopin city five room dwelling attached very lowrent everything first e Less sell cheap AddressBOX ly thu olh c nilCIGAR and i oolrooni central location invetigate DlMVP UK V ft in 3A E private method of operating in stoeksand grain vvhhh never falls Addre witiistamp KENDALL A CO SO fc 4th St Philadelphia Pa mlDO lOL W VNT TO MAKE MONEY Our sy ternof turf speculation lias earned Urg weekly dividend for past four years hglie it ndorsem ntswrite for particulars mention paper HVMMONDA CV21 Park How N Y City mlFOR S VIl Thlrty shares hretol stock bargainDlNLOP F H in20H VNTID Iartnc r money leakinglight duties Address HOY 003 this otlieeCV sIl 1 OH OLR III llNEil or real estate nonatter where It ts Nnd description and priceand Joarn inv method VV M OSTR ANDllt NorthAmerican Jluildinr llilladelphij Pa mlTMBERDuyi rs sliould send for mv Timl er Blank No 5Free WILCOY fai Broadnav New VorlI OH SVLI 133 sharts Pullman Vlitomatie Ventilator stock submit offer AdJrras BOY Ctliolce el 3leaving eitv will learn rt desiraUe 0Hj1uiuty to ieprt cnt corporation inbonic town Adlress HOY -- thu orflie cl1 OR MLK Limited jmount of stoek in an oldotablishcd busmesfi paying C per cent AddressBOY MI this Gillie ml 3WANTED Partner with 20 to invest in established pasiliT electrical business Adlress C LPRICE 231 New Jersev ave nw lnl 3IOR -ME froccrv meat and provision storemust be swld goin to leave city Ttli and Afits f ml 3FOR SVIE vlgar anil bievcle store eleanrg lenorth leavirg city NEW lORK BLsINfSlHltOM US 611 F st ml 3RARE CHANCE for a Jiustlug business man wttlieome capital to engage in business exduilvepale in city of Washington for a term of yearsthe product of a large I astern manufacturerAddre for particulars II 11 PLLVLIt Rochester Y m31 7DtXTOR I wanl n partner in prominent advertising ofhee physician in or out of Governmentemploy on prominent corner ovrer practicesmodern netliod of treatment If you want Jehanee to practice investigate Amount 1275Addrci BOY 5r offlec m31 3WANTED Responsible gentleman to Join in rentlug hotel AdJren BOY 562 this entice m31 3FOR S VIE Lroccry and fliturcs 017 Mass aTeTnw m31 3FOR SVLlT Wholesale beer bottling worksvithlarge trade W J HLGAN C17 La ave m3I JIOR SALE Saloon cheapest place norlheavt3200 saloon and unill hotel ItOM three dairvlunch rooms 2n and 1300 wood and coal yard330 W J DUG VN 017 La ave ln31 3CIGAR STORE 230 worth 5100 other businmsDUNLAP jsiret C30 3CROCERY STORE splendid business fine standInvestigate DUNLAP liOll f st e30 3I OH SVLE Confectionery and cigar atore business corner bargain VV II YOLNG 700 9Lhst nw m29 0ARE 0U fOING IN or are jou going out oibusiness If so consult FLSS A CO 607 13thtt nw e2S 7BEST WATCH MAINSPRINGS SOe BROWNE03 F where you transfer intl ttTHE TIMES WASHINGTON SUNDAY FEBRUARYIOIl ItnT l imMSIIKD HOOJll Oll RENT Ij 5e ricely furaisliol fiont room721 I3t Capitol p21011 RENT Nicely furnishnl p lor folding bedand piano ul n heilroom on second floor AtldressBOY fill thu oilicc -nil HENT Iirge front roo n with or withouthoard Ull tth st in i 3Kill RENT Well furrLheil heated quiet roomsporcelain luth hot watrr reasonable 313 13thst w101 1IENT Furm heil and unfurnishcil roorrsbeat gas for cooiiug per month SM HIst nw -lOR RENT To funu Iifl room complete forlight lioucfcrepirg with heat and gas lor cook-inj sn 3th st ne bJLI OH RENT Tvo fiirn slicd rooms 107 2J st lieli 31 OH RENT Fiont parlor for light housekeeping13 1 -1 iw J2 3ltll RENT Two furni he1 and live unfurnWicellooms 2 1 st se nl2 oKH RENT Nicelv firni heil room convenientto elcfiulrrcnts and ill tais 320 John Marshallfonncrlv II st nw J113lOR RENT Lawe furnished loom private faintly lione 0 month 1IJ 5th St nelu2 3KIR RENT Nicely furnished or urfuinishcilrooms reasonable Iei 20tli ft nw el 1Hill RENT Furnished rooms 301 12th St op-Hwilr iKistotllceFOR RENT Furnished roim heat light bithmen only near Bureau Engraving and Printingand Vitthtittural Deparlniint lICstsw cl 3HUt RENT TVo eoirmunhatlng rooms partlyliniiishid lor liaht houekeepiiig bath sametloorj to neat couple HiV Cth st nw cl 3IMR KENT- Ull II st furnLdicd or unfurnished rooms stenin heat ml 3IMR REN1 fiirnWieil rooms heat andgas no sign 720 10th st mv ml 3FOR RENT Furnished room with heat gas andlath 104 G 1 sir ml 3lOR HINT Front furnished rooms IJC up allconveniences 31 I st ne lul 3I OH RENT Nicely furnished rooms en suite orsigle central location inoderale rent b07 Tthst nw ml 3I OR RENT Three elegantly furnished roomsheat light gas hnn and silver light housekeeping Is3l till St nw ml 3I OR RENT Nicely furnished room southern exposure private family 7 month 62ti L st nvml3I OK RENT One furnished room 1 per month1142 7th st mv nl 3FOR HLNT Nicely furnished second story frontbav -window room all modern conveniences onsame floor gentlemen only 517 Gth St nwCsil 3lOR RENT Nicely furnished second story roomwell heated all conveniences rent moderategents only u21 1th st uw c3l 3FOR RENT Nicely furnished double parlor alsothird sto y front room well heated comfortablyfurnished other rooms central 1117 G St nvrr313FOR RENT Newly painted and papered frontanJ other looms bath heat and gas 410 nthst nwFOR RENT Comfortably furnished rooms 1 upC22 E st nw m3l 3lOR RENT Two nicelv furnished front roomswell heated very reasonable 621 13th st nweSO 3FOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished four roomsen third floor heat gas bath single or ensuite 1313 11th st nw c30 3FOR RENT Furnished front room 8 per monthgentlemen 413 G st nw ZFOR HFNT Fiont and back rooms well heatedLIS 0th st rw C30 3FOR RENT Newly pipered painted and furnished rooms strictly first class hot water heatboarding 414 Cth st nw ms iFOR RENT Comfortably furnished rooms singllIn Lis lst mi liuti rMismhl rstettransients accommodated 05 Pa are nwml3 30WANTED 1100319WANT D One nicely furnished room price 3centrally located Address BOX 503 this olllceml 3noOMS AND BOARDTIIHIE large nicelv furnished room withboard terms reasonable 1323 and li 1 stJH2 3HALL room with table board in private familyS3 VI Address BOX C10 this oIBec m2 3ROOMS and board for two 3 50 per week OilK st nw m2S1101 L ST NW Nicely furnished rooms withtable lard el 3FOR RENT ccvcral nice rooms with boardconvericnt to Census Library and CapitaL 20i1st st ne cl 7FQR RENT E03 K st nw furnished roomshome table central ml 3FURM HEI ROOM with board private familyUJ North Capitol st cJl SFOR RENT Large room first fiocr board 213C st nw e31 3FOR RENT Large and small room- villi goodboard 401 G st nw m31 3FOII RENT Nicely furnished front rooms oneblock from Capitol all ear lines past doorhome table 212 North Capital tt nw m31 3ROOM AND BOVRD 10 near Departments2212 I st nw m31 3HOTEL BALTIMORE overlooking White Housespecial rates to families single- rooms withboard 23 up 15th st and New York ave m3l 3l Oll StlCNl K1ATFOR RENT Nice three room flats northwest730 to Si 30 M A BALLINGEH Bond Building all tfFOR RENT To best colored tenants lour roomand hath flats 2s and 40 Pierce St nw at 12and 14 new modern sanitary living homesCEO R HILL CIS 14tli tt nwTAD LI HOARDBEST TMSLi BOVRD at 718 list St nwron sale nousesel 3lOR SVLE V rare Iiargain a brick house IthSt nw onh 1500 cost 00l Ime locationGHVCiM THOMAS C nrroran Illdg m2 1FOR SILL light brick lioiw paying over IIper cent price 3s refit 4L20 wake upthis Is a bargain W C HVIDKMVN 717 Hthst tl iI OH SVIK New six room modern brick wideavenue Southeast twelve minute from CVltreMarket only 301 terms 100 cash balancemonthly wake up hmicseck rs and investigateW V HALDEMAN 717 Hth st el JFOR BALE HOIlaES AND VEHICLESI OR SVLE Black horse about 13 3 high tirvears good driver and quite u saddle horse Vpply E BLittDORI ST VIILI S 410 6th st nwln2 3FOR SALE Dorse buggy and harress the bestbroken horse in Washington in every icpect Apply at S17 C st se liefore y oclock week djvs rany hour Sundays el 1lYlit SVLE Horse harness and bulter wagonalvi good bugjj Grocery I10 North Capitolsi e31 3FOR SVLE Sleigh one horse in good conditionCall at the stag loth and E sta nw ni31 3I OH SVLE Good Dajlon wagon eheap Call1317 12th st ne et0 3JUST ARRIVED 23 horses among them draughtdriving and general purpose Lolscs aUo 10 lowpriced horses N SCHLLGEL Dil D St nwm2j 7FOR SVLE 23 to 50 have no further life i0horses and marcs suitable for farm family orgeneral business purposes Shetland pony cartand harness gcntla for children to ride or drivealso wagon harness utensils Apply 212 4 atnw U127 7BIRDS DOGS ETCI OR SVLE Male e anancs from 150 lo 5 eachpariots ds eats rabbits elc SCIIMIDS BIRDiTOIIE 712 12th st nw li30 tfFOURTEENTH ST Hospital for Animals lurgicmland medical cases Always opes Telephone 171 3118 Fourteenth st 29 8moFOR SALE LOTSlOR SVLE For business purposes near Paave and loth st nw lot 45x75 ripe forimprovement ELGLNE E CADUIS 123 Hth stnw m2 CTOR IIlllEFOR HIRE Horses bufles and daytons 150and 2 00 per day for drumming or businesspurposes PRESTONS STABLES cor 8th andI its aw Phone 617 2 nUMmol Oll REST EXKCRXISIIED ROOJISI OH HI NT Three unfurnished rooms to couplesecond floor ligl I Itnisekeepmj 423 Bth st sWIil2jlull Rl NT cnfurnislie d nm Call at MO Dst se either in cffOfsgs or on Sunday m2 3lOR RENT Two unfurnished oinmunieatingrooms second Hoeriivith heat and gas balh onsame nw near Government Printinct Office 110Caltform st ne u1 OH HINT Two larfee communicatinlight houickee ping lJ2i oth st nwroomsel 31 OH Rl NT TlirnV itafurnished rooms HIT 2djju clFOR RENT Two large connecting rooms secondfloor front southern exposure furnished or unfurnished with Vvhthout lioard light housekeeping permitted i 1117 K st nw ml 3I Oil RENT 1 nfuriiehcd flat of four rooms firstfloor northwest iisijcrn improvements Louse occupied by itnrr former tenanC going abroadfurniture for salirtiorcncos Address HOY fJthw olhce ml 3I OR RENT lTrfnrPislneI two largeioou hrst fleor with use of dining roomand kitchen reasonable 301 Massachusetts nvec3l 3FOR RENT Nicely furni hed and unfurnl hedrooms very cheap S33 JD st nvr m31 3lOR RENT Two unfurnishetl rooms front andback second floor with heat and gas 1012 10thm31 3lOR RlT Pleasant furnished or unfurnishedrooms at S2S 17th St nw m3I 3lOR HI NT Furnished and unfurnishcil roomssecond and third floors convenient to Pensionand Printing Olllccs 610 2d at nw m31 3FUR SALE JI1SCEIIAXKOC1FOR SVLE Handsome thihet Iamb skias suitable for opera cloaks very cheap 1233 G st nvvm2 3FOR SVLE targe quartered oak sideboard newliamlsomelv carved inglily polUied lsxlo Frenchplate intrruTr liorth o3 for 3750 1737 7th stnw m2 1lOR SALE A Gurney Bright Idea steamI eater No C2 suitable for office building complete with all fixtures low price Apply HECHTCO 513 515 7tll St nw mlFOR S VLECheap railroad ticket for two toKansas City including Iower berth leavingWashington Friday lebruary 7 8 p m ApplyMonday ROOM 20 St James Hotel mlFOR SVLE Fine ten gallon coffee urn 15 cost00 315 Cth st nw m2 3I OH SVLE Crockler k Wheeler 14 horse power110 volts motor perfect order see ua or telephone Main 2758 2 I R1ES A 1IOPWOOD Sthand K nw m2 3I OR SALE Stoves some look like new somenot so good we have seventv stoves that must liesold sec us or telephone Vlain 2730 2 FRIESiiui iiejejD t tn ana it nv milOR SVLE One very fine piano upright cost330 Used only seven months looks like newwill sell for 210 see us or telephone 273G 2IB I Em A HOPVOODeSth and K mv m2 3FOR SAL Large water back rarge withcloset slight used cost 33 for 18 1731 7thst nw m2 3ltiR SVLE Second hand ranges1733 7th st5 and 0W2 3lOR SVLE Furniture of the Ostradenia Flatsthirty two rooms also ornaments i cr mirrorsbookcases desks letter flies ctra L ge librarytables clocks leather couch parlor suite pianoand odd pieces at once cheap leaving city 4310th st nw m2 3FOR S VLE ewing machine good as new fullset attachments e uaranteed 12 on credit 50cweek 423 in ft sw Call day or eveningm2 3FOR SALE 10 registered Jersey- cow freshfour years old 40 cash 23 new baby carriagecheap Hth and Frankfort ts Brookland D Cel 3FOR SVLE Bull iii seven months old 31521 Cth st nw el 3ITH SALE New punching bag complete noplace for It Calk alter 3 SIIAW The Cameron1001 T st nw c elFOR SALE One igb arm Singer 3 SingerY S 7 Sirger oscillating W Singer latest10 other makes 3 and 7 FUNKS 331 C stse A cl 3FOR SVLE A gentletaan compelled to leave cityat onec will sellarZa bargain the furniture oftwo room fiat complete for light housekeepingfurniture only used six weeks Apply at ROOXl100 Astoria 710 d sU between 1 and 2 andafter G p m Hat witii private bath can berented ml 3NEW 10 DROP CABINET SEWING MVCHINF s13 At The Dometlcr Office 7 11 Trial FreeSend Postal ITcnUrc 10c A Dav ReliableC ALERtlACHiJhore East 722 ej3 tflOR SVLE One Mixlcy Ice box sire I by Tand feet high Call or address J IVLLLS Cthand A sU se ml 3ON CREDIT Dress good- suits skirts fur lacecurtains blankets comforts mens and boysclothing etc Addrr ss BOY M this oflcefel 20tFOR SALE Graplophone horn stand and fiftyrecords cost 10 a bargain for 13 C12 10th stsw elFOR SVLE Cheap sleigh in good condition1201 C st se elFOR SVLE Square piano 2250 fine conditionaLso very old mahogany hall seat high back1830 313 Cth st nw m31 3IOR SALE Fine oak bedn om set 18 30 costS47 3 piece parlor set 1250 cast 23 hall rack- cost 40 all good us new at once 313 Ctht nw m3I 3FOR SVIE Eclipse typewriter 10 30 good eondition 313 Cth st nw in31 2IOR SALE J new 30 Singer drop cabinet sewing machine for d L Addles BOY 300 thisoffice m31 gFOR SALE On- nickel frame hocac will sellcheap 1107 U it nw c30 3TOR SVLE Pine wood well seasoned 1 percord delivered HENRY IttUTLH 500 1 stnw m23 0FOR SALE An upright piano almost new 173at 3 per month uprights as low as 130 goodsquare pianos at 50 organs 20 up easy termsSTIEFF PIANO WAHEROOMS 521 lllh st nwJ C CONL1FF Manager Ja23 tfTOR SALE I for Morris chain with hair cuiaTIon st for hair mattress la two parts oak artmrocktrs 148 bedroom and parlor aultes L09ptt week IILDMOND3 S11 3U Tth at nw3 tlFOR SALE Good quality opaque shades flttteito your windows only Sac th best quality oilcpaque shaves fOc hung free will call withsamples hLEEELATTS Hth and II sta nePhone East 23 D elO tiFOII RENT IILSINESS IROIERI IESBlSINESs IROlHtTIES FOH RENTAN OLli ESTAllllslllD IllslM SS CORNERseven rooms briek store and dwelling corner2th and O sts nw rent 22501403 2 JTll ST NW lix room store and dwellingwith bitli W50NEW HAMPSIHHE AVE AND I ST Seven roomstore and dwellirg with large stable anjlarge rear and tide yard rent 301S22 M ST NW Six room store and dwellingre nting for 15J 1 A W De29 7 Corner 13th and G stj nwFOII s VLE 1AlllK1 OH SVI E ixty acres unimproveil land fiveminutes walk ofLorton Station Washington anlRlchniond Railroad twenty miles from Washington Address J M SritlNGMAN SpllnjinanP O Va jal713I921232o3I feliWjlLrAtVERPORT I l reputation fir the most artutlc workand prices to suit tliVseticieri are well knovn POHrill lKoralor l lla Till st nw m2 lNOLTK t24 tth st nw la constantly reccivtnjjthe latest and must attractive designs in WallPapers and papers rooms Irom 200 up Calsnd investigate lor jDurgc l and be convlncadmiltlONEV AVATII AM TO LOANYOUR SALARYMay be large enough to furnish a corafortablaliving but when all your credltora Jump you atence you are perplexed You can borrow moneyen your furniture or piano satisfy all your creditors and have but ens small payment to makaeach month Call to see usEValNS COMPANYT07 O ST N WMONEY TO 10 AN on real etate personal propertv and collateral J O DAVIS 503 E st nwel 1MONEY TO IOAN on approved citv real estateat 4 1 and 3 per cent Interest Special privileges with respect to prior payments Largeamounts a specialtyTYLER A RUTHERFORD INCJalO lf 1307 F st nwSIONEY LOANED SALAUIKD PEOPLERetail merchants teamsters boarding houseiwithout security largest business In 4 principalcities TOLMAN Room 101 M3 13th it nwtail UZTUAZ2O0AT3Norfolk end WashingtonSteamboat Go- Every day In the year for Norfolk- Nwport News and all points South by thesuperb powerful steel palace steaTtTTNewport News Norfolk and Wash-- itigton on the followirg scheduleLv Washington fl30 pra Iv Portamouth5 00 pmLv Alexandna700 pm Iv Norfolk CO1 pmAr Ft Monroe700 am Lv Ft MonroeTOO pmAr Norfolk 80Oam Ar Alexandria 9 30 amAr Portsmouth8 15 am Ar Washington 700 amTickets on sale and staterooms reservedat general ticket oflce Bond Building lltnst and X Y ave at downtown officeCth st and Pa ave at office on wharf- and on board steamersliTFor furtner intorrration apply ateral cfflcrfe foot 7th st plone 730 or- Bond Building 141b and X V aveWashington 1 C Phone 2290JOHN CALLAHAN General ManagerOCEAX STEAMSIIlrSAMERICAK LINESEWSt LouiaFeb 5 10 am St CatilFeb 10 10 amPlulphia Feb 1210am St IiuisFeb 2010 a mEED STAB LUfENEWJvenslngnFebA 10 a m I HavertcrdFeb 13 noonZcelandFcb 12 noon Friesland Feb 20 noonINTCRXATIOXAL NAVIGATION COMPANYPlera II and Li X II Office T3 Broadway X TWASHINGTON OIHCE 1300 F St N VV orCeo W Moss Agent 1111 C St N WFOR RENT HOUSESIOR RENTBrick Ifiia 13th nw 10 rooms 30 00Brick WJO P nw 11 rooms 30 50Frame Wl Genessce st nw 0 rooms 2S 00frame lltli st Road C rooms ISOFrame Grant ave nw 15 rooms S3 00STORES AND DWELLINGS220 1st st ne store and 0 rooms 13 CO411 O st ne T rooms 25 001800 Fla ave store and 0 room3 15 00130J 11th st ne store and 2 rooms II 00IOR COLORED120Si Wylic st ne 5 rooms 00211 J at nw 5 rooms 10 00C1G 23th st nw 5 rooms 7 001713 Halms Court 3 rooms 5 002 3 IXUIS P SHOEMAKER 920 F nwJOB RENT 1C13 E st se seven rooms twolatrobca and range bath and close keys nextdoor 1250 ei jFOH RENT To colored tenant 1715 Scaton Stnw six rooms 10 30 CLARK BROS 1133 Ftt nw nwIOR RENT 130 D st se six room bay windowbrick 1350 Apply 410 New Jersey ave seFOR RENT House with store and two roomson ground floor ocupicd by barber shop foreleven years four rooms on second floor rent23 1413 II st ne Enquire 1415 next dooreSO tIOR RENT Only three left Xos 137 HI and149 Thomas 6t nw new bouses six rooms tilebath furnace rent 2550 FRED VV REEVES617 Hth St nw jaS tfFOR RENT Free to colored persona fire roomhouses northeast free for one month and thenonly 5 a month CAYWOOD ft GARRETT corneristh it and Xew York are nw m3 lmLOSTLEFT In Goldcns Oyster Hone th and D atnw Saturday January 23 iair of gents Urivirg gloves owner can get them by calling atabove address and paying for advertisement mlLOST VI Columbia Theatre Saturday matineealigator pure containing money and receiptsTaluable to oner labtral reward if return -d to1315 flth st nw mlSTRViED OrC January 20 brown dog whitebreast bushy tail half shepherd and hound nameCrump Reward if returned to Kendall GreenTO2 3LOiT On 7th st near D sL bank notice and10 Kindly return to 140 C st ne or to thebank and receive reward el1 OsVT Friday chamois safety bag containingmoner Liberal reward if returned to A LWUN V RIGHT Hotel Raleigh el 3LOST V silver medallion bracelet Liberal reward it rcturre1 lo ljz French st nw el 3LOST Pockctbook containing note and moneyamounting to 136 40 5 reward FREDVAUOH VN 420 Cth st Clty ml SLOST On 7th st pair of eyeglasse j with chainReturn to A K 101 7th st nw elLOST Ccntlcmana card case containing moneyOne half of contents reward if returned to tinsolfice m31 3LOST In United States Capitol Tuedav January23 102 large leflthsr pocketbook contaiuug letters money and oilier articles tinder will lierewarded by addressing F W Box 122 UnitedStates Senate c13FOUND Ladies IKANNS 10cFOUNDRoyal Glues AnythinglOLND Fine silk umbrella owrer can have sameby proving propertv ard paying for this advertiiemcnt Address F W Box 132 United MatesSenate Washington H u e30 3FOUND At Laceya most modern Ice cream factory in America delicious chocolate vanilla andstrawberry Ice cream made from the fruit notIhe acid 0c per gallon Also Laceya special70c per gallon CSce C07 Xew York re PhonsMala U3 delO tlMISCELLANEOUSWANTED Tiitewriting bv careful Iidv operatorwho owl1 machine no shorthand Address BOY33t this ofdee m2 3DVNC1NG JOS 11 CVLDWFLL orchestra andband leader music furnist cd for alt occasionsdancing class Wednesdays and Saturdavs 7 p inprivate I sons given daily COSftLIOS I1VLL010 G st nw cl 3PIANO TUNING 150 factory expert JAS IDUHITV 303 12th t e elDANCBNGMISS LEONARDO PREMIERE DANSEUSEOnly rfjirppertathe in ainiton of NationalAvociUiori Iateri ot Oancir Protect iour elfrom inconit rtriU AcalcmnM 1213 12th ht nwUimodjsu New York avr and ConfoJtrate Vetertn 1 Hall 1honc Maliijj3l frisjSultV NThl lVrum shortliind pupils at 125Voik are clav bt iritM feb II Call or writefor particular -UN II KTII1 Jt ml Wf I Ito JIIK 0I It to pnscnt Rtlcs pla vlilike new ZOj lltli i t nw in31 3rUNOs VM OIUIXS TCNKI i IIFLUICSMLSIC STOCK Vil 7lh 5t a3Y lmo efsfty PSAraosSViust Be SoldOur entire stock ot Square Tianoiiuu t It do rcU out at once tumake room or new stockThUMb ifl Wl LhLY IAMnNTSTidt Piano 23lustriiKranz PianoClnckinnj Piano 15floanltnati k Cn iianoorfester Pjjrio fpllerr Piano inItaen iUcttti Puno rflHllallct DaU i Co Piano uChristie Piano 5139F G S1V1STH 1225 Pa Ave11 VD IIIIIS COLIFCTI D or no charge II ICORDON Ijvvjer C13 Hth st nw c27 0SVTlaPVCTORY PRINTING BRINGS BIG BCSINEss always because O K 1 11011 business cardsbillheads or envelopes 1 60 11AVS W3 Lbt mv Established lSbO m27 7HIGHEST CASH PRICIS paid for iron lead copper brass bottles look stock and rubber alsomachinery and general merchandise I DG VRn VlM cX 7tli t nw del tfTEETH WllllOLT comfortableuucttuit ui uuinui unuiifciauic lUllilL t DieI I Uirsl tftaV lta v J jaJI 3utDO IOU AaT the UUUct cutt prices forgents cast oil tannenta ulioid inuaical lastruments gwna antl riflcaf Drop pootaL IS ATL 13fVOT 1 tt- jat imFULL DUESS SUITS lor bire one dollar JULIU31 t llniiAiAu uv Uft riwilAilUK ZOOZSbought and nold abo book binding Jn all itibranch ca 613 G it nw edOtiHifjpour bus new trams as veil as jotuhi olgh clatt drWera from THE UEI STABLES U SlNSHEIMER Proprietor rear 615 Et lit Hubber tireJ vehklcs of all kinda buMm aii Dai ton fcaaoru tlwaaa cd band V 1dTllKWltrKUSTPmniTFHS Ur sje afcortment Kreatly re-uucuu pruca reninir 91 up ijpeunur repairititT ier iraitonable tharged Imestigate TPKWltlTCR EJCUIANCC 717 Cth at nw m3l lRAILROADSWashington AlexandriannrtMount Vernon RailwayFrom Station Penntvlvania Ave and 1S4 StIn effect November 1 10OLFor Aleiandria Week dars 6 50 701 S081 Sr20 S53 025 1000 10 I 1100 11J0a m aIJ05 1220 1243 al0ST5 1 00 230nSOi 330 33P alll 4 3 4 51 5 x522540 6 OJ 030 7X3 730 600 845 830 10151150 1159 p mSundavs 745 flOO 045 10 W 11 00 1150m 12 o noon 1130 100 130 2 oo 2Do 3330 4 to 430 5 00 520 600 650 7 to 7300 S43 01O 1015 113 11 50 p mror Mount vcrnon Week davs 6 8 0010 00 11 00 a m X1203 xlJtt 200 iSOiXI 14 15 22 701 830 p mSunlavs 9 00 a m 1200 coon -00 00510 700 930 p mFor Arlington and Aqueduct Bridge WceKdars 630 701 7 31 800 S29 S50 9251000 11 W a ra 1205 1220 12I3 105123 2 CO 2 30 302 3 30 35J IS3 Sl622 6 04C CO 700 8 00 p mSINDVYS 7 li 9 W tl 43 1030 111130 a m 12 00 noon 1230 100 IM 2 OT2S0 SOO 330 4 OO JO 500 533600 03O 700 730 8 00 p mi EsprcM To Arlinttton onlyrarcels carried Baffirace checkedJ COLA IN SjperlntendentG F ABBOT PresiJentCHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RYTRAINS LEAVE PENNSYLAANI A STATIONSOO P SI DAILY Cincinnati and St LoualFpeclal Solid train for Cincinnati PullmanSleepers to Cincinnati Leilnirton Louisville Indianapolis and St Louts without change Cc nnection for V irginia Hot Springs Dinin carParlor cars Cincinnati to Chicago1110 P SI DAILY F F V Limited Solidtrain for CincinnatL Pullman Sleepers to Cincinnati Lexington and Louisville without ehanseCompartment sleeper to irjtinla Hot SpnnjsTiiedavs and Saturdavs Dining car SleeperjCincinnati to Chicato and St LouisReservation and tickets at Chesapeake and Ohioeffices 513 Pennsrlvania Avenue era um atreernear F and at the station Telephone callSlain 1411 for Pennsylvania Railroad Cab ServiceIL VV FULLERTelephone Slain 1003 Gen Passenger AgentFOIIDIGN 3IAIL9VV MIIMTON D C POSTOFFICE NOTICEMotiId be read dailx as changes mav occur atanv timeOREIGN SIAILS arc forwarded to the ports ofsailing daily and the schedule of closings isarranged on the presumption of their uninterrupted overland transit For the week cndmirFebruary 8 1102 the last connecting rIo s willbe made from the JtUN OFFICE as followsTrnnt AtlnntlcJiOVDAY c At 1125 n m for ITALY direct per a s Nord America from New YorHail must lie directed Per s s Nord ArrerKaTULSD V b At 713 p m for EUROPEpT s s St Louis from New York via Southampton Stall for IRELAND must be direetedPer s s St Louisc At 1125 p m for BELGIOl direct pers a Kensington from New York Slail nustbe directed Per s s Kensinstonc At 1125 p m for ELROPE per s sOCEANIC from New York via Jucenstnivnc V llriS p m for A70RES ibLANDi pers - Spartan Prince from New York Slail forlTVLi must be directed Per s i SjiartanrnnceVV FDNFSD VV ei At T13 p m for FRANCESW ITZERLVVD ITALY SPAIN ltlinT f VLTUthhY K1YPT GREECE BRITII INDIVand I ORENZO JI VRQCEZ per s f LAquitainefrom New York via Havre Slail for other partsof MliOPE must be Uirctted Per s s LArniitaineI RID VY 10 At C03 p m for IXROPF pers s Staatcndam from New York via PlymouthVlail for GREAT BRITAIN and IRILAND mustbe directed Per s s Staatemlamb At 713 p m for ITALY direct per sAller from New ork Slail rcut bo directedPer s s Allcrc At 1123 p m DEN5IVRK direct pers s Norire from New irrk Slail must Le directed Per s Xorgcc At 1123 p m for FlROPE ptr s s Sasonia from New York via Queen townBlnllx for Soutb mul Centrnl AmericaVVeret Inelieis liteSITND VA h At 1200 m for ST P1EIIRESIKJUELON per steamer froit HalitavJIONDAi tn At loi a m for me n vIIVMVS per steamer from Aliaroi 11ae At 1125 p m for CENTR VL VMERIC Vexcept Ccwta Rica and SOUTH PACIFIC PORTSper 8 8 Finance from New A ork via ColonMail for GUATEMALA must be directed Ters s Financecl At 1123 p m for GRENVDV TRINIDVDand CIUDVD BOLIVAR per s s Grenada fromNew Yorkc At -1125 p m for the BVHAMVS ar d thePROVINCE of SVNTIVGO CUBV per s s Saratoga from New YorkTUESDAY k At 10 00 m for JASfAICV pers s Admiral Farragut from Bostonc At 11C3 p m for JIERMCDA per s sPretoria from New Yorkc At 1125 p in for INAGUV and IIVITI p rs 8 Iiuenbur from New A orkcl At 1123 p m for IIVITI per s PriraWilliam from New York Mail URVCVOVENEZUELA TRINIDAD BRITI5II nnd DUTCHGHANA must be delivered Per s s Prins William Ac At 1123 p m for MEXICO per s s Citvof Washington from New York via TairpicoMail must be duelled Per s s City otWashingtonvnrNEsDAV f Vt 10 1 a m for THE BVIIVVIVS per steamer from Miami Flac At 1125 K - p r sAdmiral hclilri Irom Philadelphia Pjc At 1125 p m for CVMPECHE CIHVPVSTABVSCO nnd MCVTAN per s s Yucatanfrom New York Slail for other parts of MLMCOmust be directed Per f s Aucatanel Vt 1125 p m for BERMl D V -T THOM VST CROIV LHAVVRl and WINDV VRI INLAND and BRITISH DITCH anl FRENCHGUIVNV per s e Sladiana from New YorkFRIDAY li At 713 p m for ARfENTINVURLCI VY and PARVGLAY per s Vrabistanfrom Ne Ao kc At 1125 p m for PORTO RICO CURACVO and ENEUELV tiers s Caracas fromNew Aork Mail lor SVAVNILLA and CVRTAGEN V mu t be direeteil Pr s s Caracasc At 1125 p m for PORTO RICO per s sBuckman from New York via Ponce Slail mustbe directed Per 8 s Biicsmanc Vt U 25 n m for FORTUNE tMVD J VVI VICV SVA VNILLV and CVETVGEN V per s aAllistlieny frcn New Aork Slail for COSTARICA must be directed Per s s Allfnrhenyc At 1123 p m or IIVITI and SVNTVSIARTA per s 9 VIps from New A orkc At 1123 p in for TURKS IsLAND andDOMIMlVN REPUB1 IC per s a Seminole fromNew A orkSVTURDVV 0 Vt 10 30 a ra for the B VIIVMVS per steamer from Vliami 11aVlalU fur NEWIOUNDUND by rail to NorthSvdnev arid thence via steamer clve here dailyexcept svundiy at 12 OH m and on Sundavs atltTO a in Tlie ronnectinr closes arc made onVordaS Wrdrcdivs and Mtiiriliis hAlul for JIIill UlN by rail tu Boston andthence vn steamer close here daily except Sundavs at 12 nr ami on Snndays at 1130 ani 1 bCUBV MVILS close here via Port Tampa HaSindavs Wcilnc davs and Fndavs at 9 10 p inand via Miami Ha Tuesdavs ard saturdavs at1J nA a mVlails fnr MEXICO overland unless specially addrrssel fr iicsiatcli bv ste imers sailing fromNevv Aork tlose here dilv at 10 so j m and10 00 r mMails for m LIT PI ERTO CORTEZ andGU VTEVI VlV bv rail to New ar d ti nrevia steamer close here dnlv at 10 31 a m and10 Yl p m He conneetintr cltsM bems onJomlajMails for CV TV I1ICV bv rail lo New Orleansand the me via steauer iIoe here taiiv at 10 3a in and 10 Is p in the eonneetinj closes beuyr on Tueslavrrrilif riiclfles AIiiIImAInN for CHINA IVPVN II VVV VII andPHILIPPINE IsLVNll via sjn Irinusco cohere tiaili at 0 30 p m up lo 1 ibriiin 2 inclusive for th patcli per s s Inn i olMails fur TAHITI ill MVRQPK AS IsLVNISvia ar Francisco llosC here daiU at t30 p niup to IVbniarv 4 Inclueikc for despateli iers Austrilia olSlails for CI1INV and IVPVN via eatteelose here dailv at fi 3il p in up to February5 inclusive for despatch per s Ijo SlantRe cistcred mail niiiit le directed Via selllie olMiiU for II VVV VII vit San Franc o elohere dailv at Gs0 p in up to Uebruarv 1 inclusive for da patth per it Alameila oMill fur HIV v IVPVN II VW VII andPHILIPPINE INLAND- via Nan Francisco eh sehere dailv at u 31 p m up to rchrnirv 10 inelusive for dispatch per s Djnc oMails for lll V and IVPVN vi l Taromielce e lure diilv at 6i p in up to FehiuarII inelusive for cie lutch icr s s Olvnipu eVI ills for H1VV and JVPVV via Vanrouverclose here dailv at C30 p in up to I cbnurv1 inclusive fur despiUli per s s Impress oflima Re lered mail must lie ili ei tsj V uAancouvir VIercliindise for tie tinted statsPostal Vsrncv ot Shanghai cannot be forwardedvia inuli oMails for VUnTRVIIV except those fur WetAustralia which are forwarded via Europe NEVAZEALAND FIJI nAVIOA and HAM All in fnFrancisco heie dailv at 0 30 p m alterFebruarv 2 and up to Fcbriurv 22 inclusive fordespitch per s s Sononu oMalls for OC1I1V CHINA are deepatclisil toNevv York for connection with Euroean steamersPHILIPPINE InI Viilitarv Slail despalehed to -an Franseiscsi at all chses for thatofice to connect with Govrnnient transportsthe sailings of winch areRfclSTrKFI MV1I S ihse at ihe A MV OFIlCK as follows b At 1 00 p m sjnn illc At S OJ p in same dav d Vt 5 0 a mdav f At IM p in previous ilavh At 12CX p in previous Situnlav I VtSO p m previous tlj o At vli in prda JOHN V MEtRITTPostmasternAILItOADS15PENNSYLVANIARAILROADSTATION CORNER OF SIXTH AST B STaV -750A SI DAILY PITTSBURa EXPRES3 Parlofand Dining Cn Harnsburg to Pittsburgh10 50 A SI DAILY PENNSYLVANIA LIMITEDPullman frleenlnr Dinintr Smokinc and Obt serration Cars Harrlsburs to Chicago1 nati Indianapolis St Louis Cleveland andToledo Bufet Parlor Car to Harritburg10 30 A 31 DAILY FAST LINE- Pullman BuffetParlor Car to Harrisburg Buffet Parlor CaIlarrlsburg to Pittsburg330 P SL DULY CHICAGO AND ST LOUI3EXPRESS Sleeping Car Washington to StLouis and Sleepina and Dining Car Harrlsburato Indianapolis St Louis Louisville via Cincinnati and Chicago1 15 P Sf DAILY ST LOUIS FXPRES3 Pullman Sleeping Car Hanislmrg to St Louis743 P II DAILY WESTERN KXPREnSs Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsbug ani ChicagoDminc Car to Chicaco7J P SI DAILY CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI KXPHESS Pullman Seeping Cars Washoztoi to PltUhurg and Harrisburg to Cleveland and Cincinnati Dimns Car1010 P Sf DAILY PACIFICSleeping Car to Piltsburir7- A JI DAILY BUFFALO DAT KSPRESSwith through Parlor Car Dinin Car andCoaches to BjtTau via Emporium Junction750 A 51 for Kane Canandaif TOr Rochester andNiagara Falls daily except Sunday10 50 A SI for Flmira and Reron dally eTteJtSunday For Williamsport dailv 530 P Vf713 P St DAILY BUFFALO MG1IT EXPRESSAVith through Ruffet Sleeping Car and Coachesto Buffalo via Emporium Junction743 P Sf DAILY for Erie for Rochester Buffaloand Niagara Falls dally txcent Saturday wltaSleeping Car Washington to Rochester1040 P 31 for Frle Canandalgua RochesterBuffalo and Niagara Falls dally PullmanSleeping Car Washington to Fnchester Saturdays only400 P SI CONGRESSIONAL LISHTED dailyfor New York all Parlor Cars with DinlrafCar from BaltimoreFor Ilalludelplila Nvr York sandthe EastExpress IM Dining Car 757 Dining Car900 1000 Dinim Car 1025 and llroODining Car from ttHminjzton A U 1245S1J 4 50 Dining Car from Baltimore 65010 00 P JL 1210 night On Simdaya 7tDining Car 757 Dining Car 9001023 II 00 Dininar Car from Wilmawton ASL 1215 315 450 Dining Car from Baltimore 8 50 1000 P SI 1110 night ForPhiladelphia only Express 745 A SL 1215P Sf week days 201 410 and 540 P StdallyFor Boston without change 71S X M weeidaya and 4 50 P SL dallyFor Baltimore 615 700 745 750 7579 00 10 00 1025 10 50 11 00 A SL 12151245 123 201 315 3 50 100 Limited410 120 433 450 540 613 630 71574S10 W 1040 Jl25 P Sf and 1210 night OnSundays 700 750 737 CO 9 03 10r2310 50 11 00 A JI 1213 115 11 313 3 304 00 Limited 410 420 450 540 6156 50 715 743 1000 1010 P SL and 12UnightFor Pop s Creek Line 745 a m anj 433 am week daysFor Annapolis 7r00 9 00 A SI 1213 and 549P SL week days Sundays 900 A SL and540 P JLTicket cfllcei corner Fifteenth and O Strretaand at the station Sixth and B btreets whenorders can be left for the checking ot baggafsto destination from hotels and residencesTelephone call 1141 for Pennsylvania Ballroad Cih ScrviieJ L HUTCHINSON J R WOODCenersl Aansger iT ntALTiHOHiOySchedule In effect November 17 150LyLeave WasUretrton New Jersey Are and C St-Chicago and Noithwest 10 45 a m 620 p raCincinnati SL Louj and Louisville 10Oa m 315 p m 110 nightPittsburg and Cleveland lOIS a re 8 JO fxn and luo nightColumbus and Wheeling 6C0 p mW molester 533 a m 11315 and SJ p asLuray 345 p mAnnapolis 11715 8 SO S 35 111153 a tB535 p raFrederick I3 33 900 HlJ15 ra 113IJ430 and 320 p aIlagerstown RIO 03 a m and 5 30 p raBovd and way points 3 35 8r00 a mlll420 530 1015 liU 30 p mCalthersbvjg and way points IIS23 BrOO am Ht 0 115 II3 0O 11430 SrtO t5SvIITOS 720 1015 llllSO p mVcashcgton Jancllon auj v points l82300 a m 115 430 15 p mBaltimore week days x3r00 5 00 6J0 x7rOSx715 X330 835 X330 xlj 00 1155 a axllSO noon xlS3 x3 00 X40 x4 30 433X5 05 X533 1620 630 xSOD xlOrOO xll301133 p m Sundays x3K x705 x715 SJ0x9 00 a m 112 30 115 xl 00 X330 xi OiX5M 630 iS CO xlOOJ xll30 xll35 p raIIOVAL DLUC LINKAll trains niurmnated ith Plntsch lightBaltlrrore Philadelphia New Aork Boston anthe East CO 703 Diner 18 30 BuSet900 Diner RlOrOO Diner a rrt 123Diner 3 OJ Royal Limted Dine- HlJBuSet 3 03 Diner 5 00 and llX p aSleeping Car open at 1000 oclockPudman Caa on all day tramsAtlantic City 12SD noonDaily HExcept Sunday Sunday onlyx Express trainsBaggage called for and checked from totels anlresidences bv Union Transfer Co on orders leftat tiefcet offices C29 Fcarslvania nTrfhwest New York avenue and riftecnth Street anaat stationSOUTHERNSchedule corrected to January 14 1302Trains leave from Penniylvania StationS01 a ra Daily Local tut 11 rrisonburg Warrcnton Charlotte and way stations1031 a m Daily Washington Ridunond anjFlorida Limited First class coach and drawingroom sleeper to Jacksonville Dining car service1115 a m Daily United States Fast MailFirst class coaches and drawing room sleeper UNew Orleans Dining car service1137 a m Daily Local fcr AVarrenton andCharlottesville4 01 p m Week Da vs Local for Harrisonburg and way stations on Slanas as branch-430 p Daily Local for Warrcoton andCharlottesville0 S3 p m Week days The Southerns MmLimited All Pullman train New York andWashington to Alien Augusta and St Augustine fla composed of club compartmentdrawing room and observation cars Dining caraervict9 50 p m Daily Washington and ChattanoogaLimitca ivii Lynchburg First class coach an Jsleeping car to Roanoke Knoxville Chatlnjogaand Memphis ae per to New Oceans Diningcar service850 p m Daily New York and Atlanta txrrrss firt elas coach a d sl eper to AtlartaStondajs Wednesdays and Fridays Sunset RouteTourist sleeper Washington to San FranciscoPullman buHet service9 53 p is Daily New York and Florida Express First class coach and slecrer to SavannahJacksonville and Port Tampa sleeper to Sumrrerville Charleston Augusta and to Thorcasville Ca and connection for Aiken Dining car10 15 p m DaMy Washington and Southwestern Limitd All Pullman train club and observation cars to Atlanta and Macon slcepes toNashville Atlanta Slacon Sleraphis New OrleansTn wcekly to Pinchurst N C Slo idiys Wednesdays and Fridavs Dining car serviceTRAINS ON BLUESIONT BRVNCILLeave Washington 901 a m daily lrW p m4 S3 p ni and 419 p m week clays and 625 pn Sundav 3 only for Bluemont and 625 p mvfek davs and 1140 p m theate train Jlonelaji Wcdncsdaya and Satjrdays fcr LeesburgThroJi h trains from the South arrive Wihington CI2 a m A a m 7 35 a uu 20 ta m daily except Jlondays 2 00 p m 30p m and 930 p m daily Local trairs fromilarrlscnburg 11 37 a m week daya and910 p m Frtrn Ctarlottesnlle 21a m aniLOlO p m dailyTiclets sleeping car reservatois a vd dtlilelinformaticn can be had at ticket offlees 703 lathSt 511 PenisylvaTa Avenue and Pcnnsylvan aStation Baggage checked th ough from hotelsand residencesPhone Slam 1441 P R K Cab ServiceFRANK GANNON 3d V P and Cen MvrS 11 HVRIiWlCK Gene al Passr AeiL S BItOWN Central AgentSEftBOARQ AIR LINrRY7Capital City RouteLeave Washngton Pcnna R II Station11 01 A Ki SLABOVRD FAST SI Vltr ThrougDAILY Pullman scepers to Jacrsoiv uieconnecting at Hamlet with Pullman Sleeper to Atlanta7 o6Hnl FLA AND MCTROPOUTADAILY LIVHTED Solid train to St Augustine Pullman Drawini Room CAimpjrtraent Observation and Dimng Cars aLeSeeper to Atlanta PuUnan Sleeper Tuesdajs Tliursdajs and Saturdays to Southern PinesinehurstThee trains offer excellent schedules and serviceto Petersburg Raleigh Southern PinesCan ilen 4 olumbia Savannah Jacksonville and all Florida points Charlotte AthensAtlanta New Orleans Chattanooga Nashvillepoirts West and4 30 A nil IOCI To Petersburg RaleighrjAlY Southern Pines Pmehurst Hamlt and intermediate pointsOffl 1121 Pcnna aveR E L BUNTII W II DOILGeneral Pass Ardent 2enerl AgentToil N V1B SUI11 HIlA 4IOR nVIE Ncv cottage 130 advancing lotsnow bs to 3ia 2e foot vour chance nowvilla stes a3l to 1 a payments booklet 10 It HILL CIS Ilth St nw iu23 tl
Wse Mount And Blade